
Yves Bourgnon

Life is a Mystery

Life is a mystery, what’s this life all for
This question haunts me more and more
The time that comes, the time that goes
The time we waste, the time that slows
Life is a mystery, what’s this life all for
But life? I love it to my core

Oh such a joy when I came along
A lovely child, so fine and strong
My Mum and Dad had an evening of fun
To celebrate their only son
But little babes are all the same
I cried, I cried, I cried in vain
I had no say in being born
I felt alone and quite forlorn

Life is a mystery, what’s this life all for
This question haunts me more and more
The time that comes, the time that goes
The time we waste, the time that slows
My life is a mystery, what’s this life all for
But life? I love it to my core

Soon I had reached my teenage years
So full of worries, full of fears
My future life just seemed to be
Weighed down by people’s hopes for me
To be successful as one must
A wasted life will turn to dust
My lovers always caused me pain
So much bad luck I can’t explain

Life is a mystery, what’s this life all for
This question haunts me more and more
The time that comes, the time that goes
The time we waste, the time that slows
My life is a mystery, what’s this life all for
I love it to my core

Two steps ahead and then a rewind
Time passes by, leaving all behind
Time still flows by when all is dead
And when I’m sleeping in my bed
Time disappears, just will not wait
Specially if one is much too late
But even so my hope burns bright
That one day I’ll come out to the light

Life is a mystery, what’s this life all for
This question haunts me more and more
The time that comes, the time that goes
The time we waste, the time that slows
My life is a mystery, what’s this life all for
But life? I love it to my core
I love it to my core

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