
Yves Bourgnon


Terry’s parents are slaves to the booze
When faced with a bottle they can’t refuse
Poor Terry suffers the taunts of his mates
As the noise from his parents just never abates
He’s ashamed and most of all
When his mum is beaten by his pa

But he adores them and knows they still care
He sees the love that they still share
But now their lives are ruined by the wine
And they have nothing left but a gradual decline

His dad passed away when his liver gave out
Terry’s life is hell there is no doubt
And his mum’s drinking is becoming insane
It’s her way of coping with the terrible pain
The mood at home is dread
His mother is crazy, she’s not right in her head

But he adores her and knows she still cares
Because he sees the love she still shares
But now her life has been ruined by the wine
And she has nothing left but a sad decline

The ambulance came to fetch her today
For Terry this was really as if to say
He’d be alone and completely bereft
His love for his dear mum would be all he had left
A life alone with fear
The mother he loved no longer near

He’s been in many kids’ homes the last five years
Well fed and clothed but often in tears
He’s still waiting for the joy he once had
In the love of his own Mum and Dad

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Other Releases

Yves Bourgnon - I Love You

I love You

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Yves Bourgnon - Life is a Mystery

Life is a Mystery

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Yves Bourgnon - Just as You are

Just as You are

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Yves Bourgnon - Monique


Yves Bourgnon