
Yves Bourgnon


Monique gave me her tender heart
To me her strength to impart
In my days of despair
She smiled at me with loving care

The storm sent many ships down
To the deep ground
If I was going to survive
I had to be brave
You came and rescued me with your support
I regained the strength – to make it to the port

My love gave me her tender heart
To me her strength to impart
In my days of despair
She smiled at me with loving care

It was a dark night – and all my friends had gone
But you remained faithful – when I was quite alone
Your kind words helped me to find the truth
And brought me back to life
Restoring much of my youth

My love gave me her tender heart
To me her strength to impart
In my days of despair
She smiled at me with loving care

Now the storm has passed – it’s day at last
And now has come the calm – with the rising sun
I’ve gone back to the sea and set the sail for the west
Towards your shining star and your soft caress

Monique gave me her tender heart
To me her strength to impart
In my days of despair
She smiled at me with loving care

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